Your First HTML Page
LESSON 1: Intro to HTML
For whatever reason you’ve decided that you need to learn how to make a webpage. You have no idea what you’re doing or where to start. Here might be a good place. I’m not going to waste any more time with blurb.
What is HTML?
- HTML is hyper text markup language.
- It is used to structure all the bits on your website. Everyone needs to know html.
- In traditional websites, every web page has a corresponding html page.
- But you can have pages that are not built with HTML, but that isn’t important right now.
Let’s get coding!
Time needed: 5 minutes.
All we’re going to is create a very simple web page that prints some text. I’m going to be using Windows 10 to do this.
- Create a folder on your desktop called “MyFirstWebPage”
The name of the folder doesn’t actually matter here, you could call it anything you want, just call it something that makes sense
- Open the folder you just made
Yes, this counts as a step
- Ensure file name extensions are visible in file explorer
In file explorer, click on view and ensure that “File name extensions” is checked. If you don’t do this, your index.html file will end up being index.html.txt which is a txt file, not an html file
- Create a new text document called index.html
Right click > new > Text Document
Name the file index.html - Open your html file in notepad
By default, windows will want to open your index.html file in a web browser. We don’t want that quite yet.
To open in notepad, right click the file> open with > notepad
If notepad isn’t on the list, click ‘choose another app’. If you still can’t find notepad, click more apps and it should be there. If not, go have and google “how to open file with app windows 10” - Write some text
Write something like “Hello world” inside of your index.html file in notepad.
- Save your changes
Press Ctrl+S or click file > save
- Open your index.html file in your web browser
Go back to file explorer and just double click your index.html file. It should open in your windows default browser. You should now see the text you wrote in the browser window
You’ve just made a web page. Yes, this is a very simple page but it’s important you know how to do this before we move on. Coming soon: Adding HTML Content
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